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Sunday 26 April 2015

MIS750 (2) - Cyberscurity

noun: cybersecurity
  1. the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.

    "some people have argued that the threat to cybersecurity has been somewhat inflated"
As the world begun to see that internet become a necessity of their life, some people with benefit on its advancement and some will take advantages for its weakness. Thus, as we go along to such technological needs, how much its priority in giving the best way usefulness to people and at the same time, security enforcement to avoid loophole of mishandling it.    

Hariati Azizan  recently reported in The Star Online in her news article title "Faster, bigger and sharper" that Malaysia become target of cyber criminals.

Symantec Corporation being a cyber-security company has come up with the Internet Security Threat Report 2015 (ISTR 2015),  reported the growing number of cyber attack cases from malicious code to spam and bot-infection which has pushed Malaysia’s ranking in Worldwide Threat Activity from 33 out of 157 countries in 2013 to 31 last year (No.1 has the highest number of attacks).

Micheal Tan, Symantec Malaysia and Thailand country director said that one big reason for such high rating of cyber attack in Malaysia was due to huge volume of connected devices we current have and circulating using in our routine life. This is supported by the report by Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) which informed that Malaysia currently 60 per cent smartphone penetration and continue growing exponentially.


Morality: I believed technology is good but some individual would misuse it for their own selfish reason.

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While no specific amount was revealed as to how much was lost by companies and individuals locally due to cyber attcks, Tan says cybercriminals are willing to pay between US$60-70 (RM218-254) for a single credit card information and buy Malware from up to US$3,000 (RM10,913) to initiate an attack. "If they (the cyber criminals) are willing to fork out such amount, the return on their investment is much higher. A company would lose US$3.5 million (RM12.7 million) on average per security breach," he adds. One of the big reasons of the high rate of cyber attacks in Malaysia is the sheer volume of connected devices that we have. "Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan. Symantec foresees that ATMs to continue to be primary target among cyber criminals while mobile payment would be new target of attacks, be it at the front-end or the back-end.

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Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan

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One of the big reasons of the high rate of cyber attacks in Malaysia is the sheer volume of connected devices that we have. "Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan.

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Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan.

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Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan

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One of the big reasons of the high rate of cyber attacks in Malaysia is the sheer volume of connected devices that we have. "Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan.

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Malaysia is getting more connected. MCMC reported that Malaysia now 60 per cent of smartphone penetration and this is on the rise," says Tan.

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