Discovery (dis|cov¦ery /dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri/)
noun (plural discoveries)
[mass noun]Hello friends and colleagues of the "World Wide Web",
This a blog site created for the sole purpose of requisite for my course Management Information System (MIS750) of my Executive Master in Businiess Administration (EMBA) in Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Firstly, I would like to thanks and credit to my awesome and "Legen...Wait for it...Dary" lecturer, Assoc.Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud. for giving some elaborate and interesting individual assignment for this course and by doing so helping me in making "discovery" about what this course really is and how it will eventually made me want to become in the future. Vivienne Forrester (1925-2013), a writer,writer, essayist, novelist and literary critic once wrote that.'
Let's us take the opportunity to learn as much as we could and finally understand better how we could benefits and give more to the world. I believed that sort of purpose is more rewarding to have are being able to share with others what we have learn and what information we can convey.Life is a Learning Process, Learning is a Life-Long Process; You can't separate them
Thus, the world is full of information. With the existence of the global medium of information called the internet, information can be be transferred faster with just click of a button, a pure surge of knowledge within second. With such luxury given to us, learning is become more synonymous knowing the latest advancement of such technological of information and medium around it. Who's would thought that computer in the past, was a massive connected machines made for military purpose can presently fit in the palm of our hand.
During this course, I hope I could do my best in completing the task given in finding the information about how information technology and information system has evolved currently and the near future. It would be exciting that not only that I could improved my knowledge but also with this blog circulated our planet Earth, you. friends and colleagues of the "World Wide Web" could imparted some of it for now and future to come.
Once Again, Let's make some discovery together!!! My Name is Mohd Faizal, currently an Accounts Executive in Automotive Dearlership Industries, Part-Time Master Student and Avid Internet User.
Thank you for reader and if you have some to say, please write your comment...
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