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Friday 15 May 2015

MIS750 (5) - Ecommerce

Electronic commerce or ecommerce 

is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information across the Internet.

The Internet has become more that just medium of information collection and searcher but have become more interactive to our daily life. It is also have place to do business, a place for your to buy and also sell thing. Thus, E commerce and E business become the trend of future profit making medium which defy the term of market penetration and  costing to do business.

 As an avid internet user, I also find it quite amazing way of buying something online at the comfort of your computer without any hassle of haggling and people crowding place of sale.
One example a site that I have tried my ecommerce transaction would be at

Following are some of my purchase at that site. I know it not such a big spending spree. I guess I am still critical to fully trust on eCommerce in making big amount payment. As you can see, do put rating indicator for all seller and buyer to ensure all dealing a legitimate and fully real-time rated to avoid satisfactions transaction on both parties.  


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